I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Mark J Ryan. He and I spoke about my newest book, The Sacred Sequence; Remembering the One Truth. Mark is an exceptional coach and interviewer. I hope you enjoy the roughly one hour of material here in the interview.
Audio Excerpt
This recording is an excerpt from my latest book, The Sacred Sequence; Remembering the One Truth. This book contains the material of the workshop by the same name. You can listen to chapter one from the book so that you can get an idea of the perspective and content. Please feel free to e-mail me with comments, questions or to order the now available book.
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Audio |
Hypnotic language; Its Structure and Use (CD)As presented by the author; Super Stating (CD)What happens when 4 individually effective emotional states converge into a super state? The perfect state! Find out what they are and ways you can apply them in your life. Approximately 90 minutes in length.$15.00 For reviews of books by Dr. Burton please go to: www.crownhouse.co.uk
Then search for “John Burton” in the site and click on any of his books about which you’d like to read reviews.
States of Equilibrium (CD)Now available on CD, this approximately 7 hour audio explores out relationships with our states of emotion. Everything we do, we do from one emotional state or another. It is suggested that we naturally gravitate toward internal emotional balance; equilibrium. How do we come to utilize or avoid certain states in our life that make for balance or imbalance? What factors influence our relationship with our states? How do we restore equilibrium and what are these traits? These and more questions are answered in this presentation that combines human development, cognitive processes and state dynamics to explain our ways of being human. |
Stories to Remember (CD)Now available: a 43-minute audio CD of 12 “Stories to Remember.” These metaphorical stories and contemplative pieces assist and guide the listener to an experience of remembering the inseparable unity with the all-loving energy of this universe: God. The inspired Native American flute music of Marina Raye gently accompanies these stories in the background through this journey of remembering. The price for this truly transformitive CD is $25 and shipping is free. Please contact me to order your CD. This CD was recorded in mp3 format. |
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Books |
The Sacred Sequence$10.95 plus $3.00 for shipping. This book guides the reader though the maze from trauma-based and ego-based illusions to experience the One Truth in union with the One Source.
States of EquilibriumSigned copies $33 includes shipping. For reviews of books by Dr. Burton please go to: www.crownhouse.co.uk
Then search for “John Burton” in the site and click on any of his books about which you’d like to read reviews.
Understanding Advanced Hypnotic Language Patterns; A Comprehensive Guide.This book contains 240 pages of material. Chapters include deeper development of the concepts utilized in hypnotic language, methods for you to develop your own insight into client’s issues and ways to develop your own language patterns. The bulk of the book includes numerous case examples along with the behind the scenes, or behind the language, reasoning that led to the expressed hypnotic language pattern. Of this book, Steve Lankton says; “Dr Burton’s conceptualization that our perceptions bind our awareness to the resources or problems we find….is brilliantly written and a much needed contribution….” Judy Pearson states; “….an opportunity to travel into the genius mind of John Burton where words wield a gentle, trance-inducing power and impart life-changing possibilities.” $42 includes S&H |
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Additional Recordings |
For three additional recordings done in an interview format with Mark Ryan you may go to: http://podcastprofessionals.com/index.html This site contains three interviews that address abbreviated version of both Hypnotic Language and States of Equilibrium. The third interview involves an abbreviated version of super-stating.
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The Next Wave |
States of Equilibrium as presented by the author- approximately 6 hours of material |
I am pleased to announce the production of 3 videos, with technical production provided by Mark J Ryan. Each video is about 30 minutes in length. The description of the content can be seen below. The benefit of owning the videos is that you can watch, pause, take notes and also, do multiple viewings for deeper learning and applications in your life. The price for each of the pieces is $39.95 or you can purchase all 3 for $89.95.
Ten ways of Reaching a Neutral State of Mind
We each fall into our ego self, our lower self at times. We experience the emotional, and even physical, discomfort that occurs at this level of consciousness. We don’t necessarily need to step up into our highest consciousness to gain relief. Just accessing a neutral state of mind can provide us with the freedom and awareness we seek to manage our inner and outer life. Here, in this video, I describe 10 ways that you can reach a neutral state of mind. Once in a healthy, effective neutral, you can go forward more comfortably and effectively. Daily practice of these neutrals can assist you in day to day life as you add to your collection of mental, emotional resources, removing dread and empowering yourself.
The Ingredients of Emotional Trauma
Our human consciousness exists in multiple layers, much like the layers of atmosphere, layers of our human skin and the earth itself. Each level or layer of consciousness provides a kind of lens through which to view and interpret events in our life. The meaning we give events, especially about our self, greatly influence our emotions and how we make choices in our lives. The beliefs we form about our self are especially powerful and limiting when we experience emotional trauma. This powerful imitation occurs because our ego-self or survival mode takes over the interpreting at times of trauma. Being human means we each experience traumatic events in our life. But, the power of the event is greatly determined by the level of consciousness through which we interpret the event.
In this video, I list the perceiving and reasoning styles of the survival brain or ego-self that lead to the limiting beliefs about self and life in response to trauma. By raising these reasoning styles to a conscious level, we regain access to conscious choice and higher reasoning. Awareness for choice is the starting point for every revolution. Begin your personal revolution now by understanding and learning how to overcome these irrational reasoning styles and restore freedom of choice.
Loving Your Shadow into the Light
Throughout time and across cultures, the concept of a personal shadow has been a consistent presence. Carl Jung brought this concept to our western world awareness through his deep and diverse work. Our personal shadow comes into existence when we reject a part of our self, usually in response too emotional trauma. This rejected part is believed to endanger our survival. It seems to haunt us yet, truly, just want to come “home” to rejoin the self. We tend to see our shadow as our enemy yet, it too, possesses the same Eternal Spirit that resides at our core. Recognizing this Eternal Light alters our relationship with our shadow, freeing trapped personal resources.
Through the process presented in this video you will gain more understanding of your shadow and be shown a method for bringing you shadow back home. By loving your shadow into the Light, you come to recognize its’ Sacred Nature, integrating this rejected part back into self to then access and apply its skills and resources in your life.